Serving Size Awareness
More likely than not, we're not going to figure out and stick to eating just a single serving. This doesn't necessarily signify a lack of discipline/control--we are human after all. However, we can remain mindful about not going overboard and eating to excess.
How Fats Can Be Healthy
Unfortunately, most people do not consume an adequate amount of foods rich in the essential fats, especially if they have dietary restrictions that limit them from eating certain foods that contain those oils.
How Food Can Affect Your Mood
When we think about this hormone, we tend to think of the brain and how it affects our mood. However, did you know that over eighty percent of our serotonin is actually produced in the gastrointestinal tract? Your digestive tract is lined with cells that secrete the hormone, as well as those to which serotonin attaches.
COVID-19: What to Do if You Are Sick
If you have been diagnosed with or suspect that you have COVID-19, AND have been advised by a medical professional that you do not require hospitalization, consider these recommendations:
COVID-19: Immune Support
Here are a few tips on how to support your immune system and possible reduce risk of infection during this outbreak.
Krystle's Daily Shake
There are countless ways to mix up our favorite protein powder, but this is how Krystle drinks it on the daily.
Protein Smoothie Bowl: Matcha + Vanilla
If you have not tried any matcha+vanilla combo before, this is the time to start! Using half an avocado gives this smoothie bowl its rich, creamy texture. If you feel like you need the chia seeds to keep you regular, feel free to add it!